Ahri Champion Guide

Classification: Mage/AP Assassin

Base Stat: 

  • HP: 570

  • Health Regen: 8

  • Mana: 435

  • Mana Regen: 18

  • Attack Damage: 52

  • Attack Speed: 0.75

  • Armor: 30

  • Magic Resistance: 30

  • Movement Speed: 330


  • Passive: Essence Theft

    • Gains a stack of Essence Theft if her spell hits a target. At 3 stacks, Ahri's next spell that hits an enemy heals her for (30+45% AP)

  • Ability 1: Orb of Deception

    • Launches an orb that deals (40/75/110/145+35%AP) magic damage on the way out, and (40/75/110/145+35%AP) True damage on the way back

    • Mana Cost: 65/70/75/80

    • Cooldown: 7 Seconds

  • Ability 2: Fox-Fire

    • Releasese 3 fox-fires that seek nearby enemies and deal (40/75/110/145+30%AP) magic damage. Ahri gains 40% movement speed that decays over 1.5 seconds/

    • Enemies hit by multiple fox-fires take 30% damage for each fox-fire beyond the first

    • Fox-fires prioritizes champions hit by Charm, followed by recently attacked enemies.

    • Attacking breaks the invisibility for 0.8 seconds

    • Mana cost: 50

    • Cooldown: 9/8/7/6 Seconds

  • Ability 3: Charm

    • Blows a kiss that deals (60/100/140/180+50% AP) Magic damage and charms the first enemy hit, causing them to walk towards Ahri for (1.4/1.6/1.8/2) seconds.

    • Enemy hit by Charm takes 20% more damage from Ahri's abilities for 5 seconds.

    • Mana Cost: 85

    • Cooldown: 12 Seconds

  • Ultimate Ability: Spirit Rush

    • Dashes forward and deals (60/90/120+35% AP) magic damage to 3 nearby enemies.

    • Can be cast up to 3 times within 10 seconds before going on cooldown.

    • Dash distance increases with rank. Bolts prioritize champions.

    • Mana Cost: 100

    • Cooldown: 90/75/60 Seconds

Champion Play Style

  • The following is a combination of tips I concluded from YouTube guides by Ahri mains like LegitKorea and other guides on League of Legends PC version
  • This guide will be going over the things listed below
    • General Idea in Laning phase
    • Laning phase vs Melee opponent
    • Laning phase vs Ranged opponent
    • Team fight roles and focuses
    • Best Matchups
    • Worst Matchups
    • Synergetic champions to pick alongside Akali
    • Item Builds
    • Runes & Summoner Spells
    • Skill Levelling Order

  • General Idea in Laning Phase
    • Assassins in the mid lane are generally more agile than other types of champions in the game, your goal in lane is to try to stay as healthy as you can until you hit your power spike so you can make plays. However, Ahri who is not only an assassin, but also a mage. As a mage that has the ability to clear waves fast, one of your most important jobs is to understand when to push waves and when you can use your range to harass the enemy laners.
    • To better hit your ability 1 return (the true damage)attempt to hit your enemy with your 1 on the end of the skill shot, that way you get to trigger your two part damage at the same time. 
    • This is normal for most champions for trading. Try to harass the enemy when they are trying to last hit, they either cancel the animation of their auto to dodge the skill shot and miss the cs, or they take the damage for taking the minion.
    • Due to Ahri's fast wave clearing nature, make sure you disappear on the map when you are not needing to either last hit, or trade with the enemy, this applies a lot of pressure to the enemy jungler and side laners, even if you don't happen to actually pull anything off. You're able to take the other people's attention off of their lane and have to focus on where you are.
    • Tip: With a single Amplifying Tome, you are able able to clear the back row minions when your Orb of Deception (Ability 1) is levelled twice at level 4 with 2 hits of your 1st Ability. This allows you to clear exceptionally fast and either get vision, create fake roams, real roams or just back for upgraded items.
    • Understand that your 2nd ability only starts cool down when all three of them are shot out (not surrounding Ahri) but your other abilities starts cooldown once you use them.
    • When you have your passive stacked, you want to hit as many targets as possible as it'll maximize the amount you heal, if you don't have more than 3 minions that are healthy enough to take both part of your 1's damage in your lane, you can even use your 1st ability on the raptors camp while pathing into the jungle for maximum targets hit. Try it out for yourself in practice mode! Remember the 1st ability's healing applies for both parts of the skill shot!
    • You are able to animation cancel your 3 and 1 ability when combo'd with your flash! However, different from the league PC Ahri, where the abilities will fly to where your mouse is, it sends the skill shot in the direction of where you aimed it relative to where you are. Here's a few short clip in demonstration of that
    • Ahri's Fox-Fire isn't a completely accurate representation of the range of the ability. Each Fox-Fire has it's own range, and since it slowly rotates around Ahri, try to not use it at max range when trying to burst down an enemy as it might fly right towards an enemy minion. Here's another example video.

  • Playing Against Melee Champions 
    • Playing as a mage assassin in the mid lane is generally about dodging abilities and avoiding being damaged before you have the ability to solo kill or simply kill with the help of your jungler. Referring to to Ahri, when trading, you would wait for your opponent to auto attack the minions so they they can't easily move around to dodge your skill shots.
    • You are almost always going to be able to harass the enemy. Attempt to zone them away from the minion wave, making them lose experience and gold.
    • Your trading pattern should be AA-Q-AA-W-AA for longer trades, for the short trade just AA-Q-AA to proc electrocute or which ever rune you choose (talking about either phase rush or electrocute mainly)
  • Playing Against Ranged Champions
    • Feel free to trade against any other champion that are ranged and AP in lane, given your AA animation reset with your abilities, you're able to proc your runes' effect much faster than most other champions. Just make sure you run away right after you proc your rune so they don't get to proc theirs thus winning that trade.
    • Try to manage the wave in front of your tower, to do this, you want the enemy minion wave to be 1 or 2 more than the amount of your minion wave. This will be explained in a future guide named "Wave Manipulation 101" (Go read about Lanchester's Law if you're curious)

  • Team Fight Roles and Focuses
    • Always think of what your goal is in team fights, is it to play front to back and attack their tanks or go for their squishy carries in the back? Ahri is a mage assassin, so of course its to focus the squishies. Ahri's abilities makes her one of the most agile champion in the entire game right now (waiting for Kassadin 😢), allowing you to easily flank and assassinate squishy targets with ease. Try to look for flanks in a team fight and pick off isolated targets. Make sure to not waste all of your 3 ultimate charges too quickly in these scenarios.
  • Best Matchups
    • Generally Low Mobility and Squishy Champions & Assassins that requires a full combo to burst
      • Fizz
      • Zed
      • Lux
      • Seraphine
      • Annie
      • Ziggs
      • Twisted Fate
  • Worst Matchups
    • Ranged champions that can basically bully Akali into the ground before she gets her power spikes
      • Corki
        • Corki being very long ranged and better scaling champion than Ahri makes it so that he is very hard to kill in lane if the Corki knows what he's doing. Also has a dash to escape from Ahri's charm.
      • Yasuo
        • A good Yasuo that knows how to abuse his wind wall will easily cancel out all of Ahri's damage as all of the abilities are able to be blocked by the wind wall.
      • Katarina
        • Katarina being able to play the hit and run with such high mobility makes it really hard to hit her with abilities, although Ahri can cancel Katarina's ultimate very easily.
      • Orianna
        • Orianna is one of the few champions that can clear just about as fast as Ahri, making it so that it's harder to control the wave and getting a good roam off. Basically limiting Ahri to the mid lane.
      • Galio
        • Galio with his natural MR bulk makes it hard for any AP champion that isn't broken to apply too much pressure on him. Also his ability to clear waves are also insane along with an almost instant roam with his ultimate.
  • Synergetic Champion Picks Alongside Ahri
    • Strong early game AD champions that provides some sort of CC or just insane gank potential along with good bursts to compensate the lack of damage Ahri does early game.
      • KhaZix
      • Vi
      • XinZhao
      • LeeSin
      • Rammus
        • Rammus just good utility wise, especially with the cc chain combo'd with Ahri
  • Item Builds
    • Please note that all following Boots choices are not what you should always go with.
    • Please choose your build according to what suits the game better!
    • Build 1 (Ability Spam/Against Squishies)
      • Luden's Echo → Infinity Orb → Morellonomicon → Rabadon's Deathcap → Void Staff 
      • Replacement Item Choice: Hextech Gunblade
      • Boots Choice: CDR Boots
      • Boots Enchantment: Stasis/Protobelt
    • Build 2 (Against more tanks)
      • Liandry's Torment → Rabadon's Deathcap → Infinity Orb  → Morrelonomicon → Void Staff 
      • Replacement Item Choice: Hextech Gunblade
      • Boots Choice: CDR Boots
      • Boots Enchantment: Stasis/QSS
    • Build 3 (Survivability)
      • Rod of Ages → Archangel's Staff → Rylai's Crystal Sceptre → Morellonomicon → Rabadon's Deathcap 
      • Replacement Item Choice: Abyssal Mask
      • Boots Choice: Mercury's Treads
      • Boots Enchantment: Stasis/Protobelt/QSS
  • Runes & Summoner Spells
    • Keystone: 
      • Electrocute
      • Phase Rush
    • Domination:
      • Brutal
      • Gathering Storm
    • Resolve:
      • Second Wind
      • Bone Plating
      • Hunter: Titan
    • Inspiration:
      • Hunter - Genius
      • Sweet Tooth
      • Manaflow Band
    • Summoner Spells
      • Flash
      • Ignite
      • Barrier
  • Skill Levelling Order
    • 1 → 2 → 3 → 1 → 4 → 1 → 1 → 3 → 4 → 3 → 3 → 2 → 4 → 2 → 2
    • 2 → 1 → 3 → 1 → 4 → 1 → 1 → 3 → 4 → 3 → 3 → 2 → 4 → 2 → 2
